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艺 术 家:Chinmaya Dunster
专辑名称:Meditation Ragas
唱片公司:New Earth Records (Silenzio)
音乐流派:New Age, Meditation, Relax
Chinmaya Dunster 于1954年出生在英国东南部的KENT州,Chinmaya Dunster开始对水彩画和西班牙六弦琴产生了浓厚的兴趣,并且开始了他的从阿富汗到印度的诗意般的流浪旅行。在游历了喜玛拉雅、伊斯兰卡、泰国和日本等地之后,1979年的一次NEW DELHI 的通宵音乐会改变了 Chinmaya Dunster 的一生。
Chinmaya Dunster continues his soulful explorations on the sarod ofIndian ragas blended with Western chord structures played on guitarand keyboards. These meditative compositions are meant for quietmoments in the listener's life. They may also be used as aids fortechniques based on seven sense meditations taken from the ancientIndian text, the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra.
01. Sight Meditation (06:57)
02. Touch Meditation (07:04)
03. Heart Meditation (07:04)
04. Sound Meditation (07:03)
05. Scent Meditation (06:52)
06. Taste Meditation (06:56)
07. Consciousness Meditation (08:33)